So, I'm convinced that having a lot of responsibilities is overrated. To me, having to ensure sales and revenue is not something I want to be held accountable for. After sitting in several meetings, listening to others ruminate about making sales goals and meeting the magical Q4 number, I realized that I don't want that to ever be my problem. Yes, I'm held accountable for the projects that I manage, and yes, I know that's a form of responsibility, but making sales numbers, not my problem.
On top of that, those that do have those responsibilities, spend half their lives in meetings. The other half is spent trying to carry out the so-called "marching orders". Seems a little too military-ish if you ask me. "Carry out these orders, or you're toast." Too much. Let's just say that I wasn't ever cut out to be in high-pressure sales, or any type of sales, really. I know that the industry that I work in has a very different sales model, not based on pressuring someone to do something, but still. For me, the whole idea of "sales" is icky. Because what do you do if you don't make your number? In British vernacular - you become redundant.
Don't get me wrong, I'm handling my added responsibilities on the media front. I've had to do a ton of clean up after the boat load of "legacy" projects were left to wade through. I think I'm finally finding my bearings. I'm bound and determined to rock this job. There's just so many office politics that I'd rather not get mixed up in the mess. I guess that I feel that I know my place and role, which I cannot definitively say the same for some others around here. Alas, that's the way the corporate cookie crumbles. I'm hoping that having a new team (although removed on the other side of the country) will shed some new light and breathe some fresh air into my world.
I'm tired of the petty and clueless.