

I want to leave footprint on this earth that is vibrant, like this flower.

I took this photo almost four years ago, and I recently did a major review of past photos. Plus with a new Pro Account on flickr, I went crazy with uploading!

This flower - I don't even know what kind it is - my thumbs are more brown than green - is so full of color and life. I want to be remembered for being vibrant - for all it's definitions. I don't want to be remembered for what I looked like, how much money I did or didn't have, or what possessions I may have owned. Rather, I want to know that I made a difference in someone's life, made a difference, even a small one in this world. I want to live, full of life, to the fullest, for the best.

In today's world it's so difficult to look past appearances in an image-focused and sex-obsessed society, where you get by on how much cash you can drop and who you know or are connected to. Just take a look at Paris Hilton, convicted of a DUI and sentenced to 45 days in jail. Since she's a celebutante and has endless money, they are cutting her sentence down. Anyone else, I could hardly see that happening. Everywhere you look on tv, there's something related to sex, drugs, and booze, influencing the young minds of America to think it's okay to do what Lindsay Lohan does or to idolize the rich and so-called fabulous. I don't want to be them ever. I don't have a distaste for celebrities, some of them out there do actual good. However, there is a growing trend of folks with too much money for their own good, and on the other side of the spectrum there are people who are struggling to get by from day to day. What is the world coming to? Hopefully not fading into grey.

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