
New Workout

So I've ventured to a new kind of workout this week. I was getting tired of the same old routine in TurboKickbox at 24 Hour Fitness. I'm tired of the instructor, tired of the same routine every week, basically I just needed something new. Enter 24Aqua.

I guess I never really saw myself as doing water aerobics. I've done some water ballet in the past, but that is more like synchronized swimming than anything else. Water aerobics is all in its name--Aerobics in the water.

Then there's the question, who wants to get into a public pool with a bunch of strangers in their swimsuit, especially if they are shy? I do!

Quite frankly, the Water Aerobics class I take is not outside; it's in an indoor pool with the deepest point dipping to four feet. Therefore, unlike other public pools, there aren't too many onlookers besides the people in the jacuzzi.

I must admit that when I think of Water Aerobics, and when I asked around the office, the first thought in mind was senior citizens. Kind of like Jazzercize. You imagine older folks in their workout gear and sweatbands feeling the burn. This class isn't quite like that. The evening water class is mostly composed of middle aged women trying to get a good workout. There's no judgment just burned calories. Supposedly you can burn 350-550 calories. Woo hoo! Sounds like a good deal to me.

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