
Happy Commercialized Wear Red and Eat Chocolates Day!

There doesn't need to be a special day to say, "I love you." If you mean it, you should say it everyday, without haste, to show the one you love how you really feel. It's important to have that line of communication open. It's not about the flowers, chocolate, or stuffed animals who sing. It's about the sentiment behind all of it. Sentiments that can be shared with or without a special day devoted to it. Of course, I understand that sometimes people feel as though they need the special day, to test that special someone, questioning, "Does he really love me?" But if one is questioning such an important declaration, it shouldn't even be said. Say it when you're sure. Say it when you really mean it from the deepest depths of your being.

I think people today take saying "I love you" a little too lightly. If you really love someone, it shouldn't be thrown around like a ragdoll. For example, the Bachelor. How can you possibly fall in love with 50 cameras on you all day everyday? How can you really say that you feel all that emotion? I think there's more pressure to fall in love, than there actually is real, genuine love. Love doesn't happen in a matter of hours. Falling in lust can happen in minutes. However, I don't think that you can truly fall for someone after one day. It takes time to find that deep, honest, sometimes ugly, but always beautiful kind of love. Your partner should know your ins and outs, your ups and downs, your biggest and silliest fears, your life goals, your story. And as you learn more, that love should strengthen. Love is not hearts, lace, and chocolate. Love is real. Love is messy. Love isn't the easiest. If love is really there, then all the details will fall into place.

"I love you" has become a replacement for a real commitment. Folks jump into a relationship not really knowing where it will lead, and often fear the word commitment. How can you say "I love you" after a month of dating? Do you even know the person's last name? Their job? The number of siblings they have? The basics. Do you anything more in depth? Their goals? Their fears? Their likes and dislikes? I don't think you can know love until you know your partner. When you know their ins and outs and ups and downs, and accept them for who they really are, that's love. When you find their quirks charming rather than annoying, that's love. When you understand their weaknesses, and praise their strengths, that's love. But I don't think you can say "love" until you discover most if not all of those things. Sometimes it takes weeks, some months, others years. If you truly feel it, you should say it. You don't need a special day. You should say it when you're ready. And while it may be the scariest thing in the world to put yourself and your emotions on the line, it may be completely worth it.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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