
Staying Motivated

My biggest and most difficult goal this new year has been to lose weight. Since I returned from Europe 3 summers ago, I packed on the weight I lost and then some. America is fat by virtue. But this year, I decided that it was time and have concentrated my efforts not only in exercise, but revamping my diet as well. It has totally paid off! As of this morning, I have lost 9 pounds!

This is more than I've been able to lose in the last three years, I feel like a big loser! In the Biggest Loser sense, that is. This small success motivates me to keep going, even when I don't feel like it. Logging and counting calories has helped tremendously, mostly because I can be a control freak, and this helps with my control tendencies. Exercise is totally second nature to me (finally!) and I have been going 4-5 days a week. I'm so pleased that I'm making progress. There's nothing more discouraging than not getting anywhere... (i.e. me in the last few years).

I knew 2008 was going to be great!

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