
Super Tuesday Hullabaloo

I chose to vote.

I actually decided to vote in the primary election early this morning. Originally, I wasn't going to cast my vote in the primary thinking that I didn't want to get attached to either Democratic candidate and then have them lose. Then I thought about it. I can't complain about the state of the union if I don't exercise my right to vote. Amendment #19, thank you very much. So thanks to the Internet, I found my polling place and cast my first primary election vote.

America is ready for some big changes, and I'm ready to see those changes put into action. Talking about them isn't enough, actual actions need to be taken. I believe that we have some high stakes candidates stepping up to the plate and that it will be a tight race until the finish. Then there will have to be another big push once the nomination is granted. 2008 is full speed ahead.

Check out my cousin's thoughts -- mercybell.blogspot.com -- she's way more articulate about these things than I am.

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