

is a good year.

I remember when I thought that 25 was old. It marked the quarter-century of life, and when you put it in those terms, that sounds pretty significant. In the middle ages, it would be an accomplishment to have made it this far. Well, I have made it this far, and I am realizing that this isn't the end, but the beginning.

I pushed myself through one of the hardest conversations I've had to date. It turns out that I my sense of worry was on overdrive for no reason. Nonetheless, I'm so thankful for staying true to my goals and being fearless. There's no doubt that I could have taken the coward's way out, but I sucked it up. I told my mom that he is "the One". Seems a little ridiculous to be flipping out over such a happy sentiment? After the fact that how I felt.

But now I have the opportunity to continue this year checking off goals right and left. Confronting my fear and completing a goal has given me a huge sense of satisfaction. There's nothing quite like the anxiety that can build from the unknown. I worked myself into a major tizzy, only to come to find out that it was so not a big deal. I do think, however, that my bravery was fueled by the confidence of others -- friends -- who believed that I could do it and reiterations that it wouldn't be that bad. Thanks friends!

Today is my birthday. I feel like it's the beginning of the best time of my life. I've never felt better, I'm making progress on several of the things I've set out to do, and I'm happy. I'm living. The way that I want to. I knew that 2008 would prove to be different.

Thanks to all my friends from all walks of life who came to my birthday dinner at Banana Leaf!

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