
#13: Sort and Purge

I took it upon myself to finally go through everything in my closet and decide what could stay and what had to go. I probably should have let go of more items, but I think that I did pretty well in donating an entire Glad Bag to Goodwill. Someone will be able to get some good use of my nearly unused items.

My mantra for this "sort and purge" activity was to let it go and not turn back. I could hem and haw about whether or not I could wear the item again, but I decided that if I didn't think that I would wear it again, it just had to go, regardless of the "maybe". There are still a couple of items that I should have placed in the "Give Away" pile, but I suppose those will be saved for the next "Sort and Purge" exercise.

It's a very cleansing and therapeutic experience to be able to rid yourself of extra "stuff" and at the same time, my clothes have the potential of helping someone get a job or look great on a date. Who knows.

Here are photos of my endeavor:

Give Away


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