
Simply Recipes

In my current efforts to learn how to cook and do it well, I've discovered a fantastic website - SimplyRecipes.com. I originally found the link a couple of months ago through an online search for my favorite salad in the world - Salade Lyonnaise. Although the recipe is slightly altered from the real Lyonnaise version I remember from Le Gros Caillou and other restauranteurs, it still does the job. Poached eggs, lardons, and a vinaigrette dressing? Who could resist?

Simply Recipes offers a wide variety of tried and true dishes that Elise and her family have actually prepared. It's a great resource for cooks and non-cooks alike, especially for finding dinner ideas or party dishes. All with delicious photos to stare at. Just browsing the pages makes me want to dive into the kitchen. (Which hasn't happened yet, btw).

My most recent adventure in the kitchen was during the Christmas season when I was baking up a storm. I have yet to venture into the savory dishes. I think that's what I'm most scared of. When I was 12, I tried to make some kind of casserole for a class party or presentation. It didn't turn out like the picture. I think that was the moment I became discouraged in the kitchen. The last thing I made was in 8th grade -- Deviled eggs. And I never tried one (maybe because I put so much pepper and cayenne and paprika), I figured I'd never eat it. Wait -- I guess I have cooked one thing well on a few occasions -- Curry.

I'm more confident about baking, but "real" food, is a little beyond me. I'm going to try it though. It's my new outlook on this year.

And just in time for SuperBowl weekend: diverse selection of chili recipes.

**photo from Simply Recipes**

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