
IMHO: in my humble opinion...

I'm very opinionated. I'm pretty sure I inherited that trait from my mother.

This also explains why I can be so judgmental. I'm ready and willing to jump down someone's throat at the drop of a hat, if need be. I tend to not give people the full chance that they deserve. Did I mention that I often think I'm right? But I'm not overly self-righteous like some people that I have met. I have my opinions and I stick by them.

I understand the notion of venting. I know that it helps people process their feelings about certain topics and events, as well as enabling better self-expression. However, dwelling on a situation isn't going to fix it. Instead a solution needs to be formulated or finding some kind of compromise in order to move forward.

At work, we had a meeting with our Accounts Payable group, who is notoriously known for incorrectly processing requests and incurring major delays in paying vendors. Not exactly an ideal situation for those paying individuals and corporations under contract. I found the meeting to be mostly useless and more like a forum for expressing complaints and pointing the finger. While I admit that I would quickly point my finger at them, I do also think that all the blame does not lay with the AP group. Rather, it's a split. Human error and blatant mistakes. Plus a very high turnover rate.

After the meeting some people proceeded to talk about it again and again. Give the poor horse a break! I get it. People make connections by relating to each other. In this case it was the meeting. However, considering that I found the meeting to be so frustrating and aggravating to begin with, I wasn't in the mood to listen to more complaints about the same thing. I agree that the situation is aggravating, but hashing and rehashing is not going to get anyone anywhere.

In my humble opinion, talking about it once and move on! Save the complaints for real things, like wannabe rockstars and always-absent assistants.

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