
#1: Victory is mine!

My first goal on my 101 in 1001 list was to blog everyday for a month. I've achieved a goal!

This being my 31st entry, maybe I should write about achieving a goal...

It feels pretty good to be able to cross off the first thing on my list. There are a couple more entries that are still to come, but those were started on the days of their post date. It's been difficult to come up with topics to write about every day, but at the same time I feel inspired daily by random conversations or interesting finds. I never really know what I'm going to write about.

I think that achieving a goal enables you to move forward with more goals. Discouragement is the number one killer of goals. Goals are easy to set, but so hard to complete. We get distracted, discouraged, and then the goal becomes irrelevant to us. The key is to keep goals relevant and worth working towards.

Here's to achieving goals set forth!

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