
Happy Birthday Stephie!

Today is my sister's 18th birthday. We have this running joke about saying "Hi, I'm eighteen" in a deep, manly, "older" sounding voice. Well, now she can say it and mean it.

She reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age. Smart, quiet, good at math, plays the piano, goes to ballet, and loves television and eating. But I also think that she's probably the more kind version of me in high school. She has various groups of friends and is the head of the school's TV Station. She loves to cook -- I never did -- and is good at it. She is nice to other people and generally gives them the benefit of the doubt. I always (and usually still do) go straight for judgment. She's a level headed young lady, who will do great things in the years to come.

She wants to be a food scientist, mixing her understanding and preference of science with her love of cooking and eating food. She's inspired by Alton Brown, host and producer of Good Eats on the Food Network, and definitely kicks my butt in the kitchen.

I can't wait until she gets to college. Not because I want her gone, but because I'm excited for her. I think it will be a fantastic learning experience and huge step towards independence. She can be wishy-washy and undecided when it comes to making a choice or decision. The opportunity to live away from home will give her the necessary chutzpah to grow into the person I know she can be. Then, she'll just be the nicer version of me. Just kidding, she'll definitely be Stephanie, with her own voice.

Love ya sis!

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