
I'm not a foodie.

There are a lot of blogs out there for food lovers. While I consider myself a definite lover of food. I am not a foodie.

I don't get excited over a $60 burger. I figure I can get one for a fraction of the price and will be just as good. Maybe I have an unsophisticated palate. I don't think eating caviar or foie gras is something to get excited about. I wouldn't be able to give it a review. I couldn't describe the subtleties or the textures or the flavor. It just doesn't matter that much to me.

This is not to say that I don't enjoy a wide variety of cuisine. My current favorite is Malaysian/Singaporean. I eat sushi and love French food. I'll try anything once. Fancy restaurants don't impress me that much; I think I get a little sick when I see the price they want to charge for an itty bitty plate of food. I had a friend who went to the Paul Bocuse restaurant in Lyon, France and had a ten course meal. She also dropped like 500 euro on it. I'd rather take that money and travel. I think that you can eat well, but it doesn't have to be pretentious or expensive. As long as I'm fed, I'm happy. Don't need to win me over with overly gourmet food. Chances are I won't like it anyway.

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