
Out of Excuses... onto Happy!

As my Glamour magazine suggests this month, I want to find my "happy" weight.

I've had a love/hate relationship with food my entire adolescence and into adulthood. In the last year, I've been able to incorporate exercise into my life about 3-4 times a week, which I know is more than most. However, my efforts in the food department have not been as successful. I read about meal plans, study health articles, and have all the intentions of eating healthy. But in one way or another, it never seems to pan out. Sad.

This year is going to be different. I feel it. It's only been eight days into the new year, but I have this vibe that 2008 is going to be life changing and I will be taking major positive strides. Maybe it's because I'm quickly approaching my quarter-life mark and I feel more in control of my life. I'm not sure, but I'm amped up by my 101 in 1001 list. I'm determined and motivated. Plus I'm out of excuses.

I've found someone who loves me, all of me, and in spite of me. That may sound weird, but he accepts me for the complete package. Wacky, silly, crazy, angry, and happy emotions and everything else. I can no longer say that no one will love me because of my size. That was and continues to be proven wrong by my wonderful boyfriend.

I have nowhere to go but forward. I'm changing my life this year!

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