
Just Do It.

Sure, it may be a slogan from Nike, but it's my slogan for the year.

Now, of course I would not recommend this attitude for all situations, but for many situations, it works.

What I'm talking about is for those who say "I'm going to..." or "I want to..." or "I would like to..." in terms of a dream or a goal like a diet or travel or some kind of change, I say, "Go for it!" There is no time like the present.

2008 feels different to me. It feels like a year when I will enact change and improve myself on the whole. And I believe that this blog, this outlet for expression, will hold me accountable for my actions and accomplishments, and of course, obstacles. I suppose it also feels different because I am making it so. I've written down goals and resolutions. I have had the chance to read and reread everything that I want to do. Since my goals are for the next 1001 days, I also don't feel like time is ticking, but since I am determined to make a dent in my list, I will work on each one.

I've spent the last few years saying "I will". This year, "I am". New motivation and inspiration that I am taking to heart and moving forward with. Maybe it's because I turn 25 this year. Maybe it's because I'm in a crossroads of my life. Whatever it is, I want to make the most of it. I want to be able to say, "Wow, I'm glad I did that" instead of, "Aww man, I wish I could have done that". And in most cases, money aside, there's only one thing that stands in the way. You. Me. Ourselves. I'm going to be my own best friend instead of my own worst enemy. Do it!

Seize the moment and live life.

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