
The sun still shines

I saw the movie Juno today. It was a cute and poignant look at teenage pregnancy, handled in a palatable and humorous manner. I especially liked the scene in which Juno was talking to her dad about love and the possibility of unconditional love. Her dad says that when you're in love you take the person for the good, the bad, the ugly, the stupid, and at the end of the day they "still think the sun shines out of your ass". Great line.

I think that line rings true in couples who have been together for a long time. How else would they stay together for so long? On so many levels there has to be that compromise at the end of the day. The "honey I love you" and "babe you're the best" statements of affirmation make the big difference. If there aren't those feelings after a disagreement or blowout fight, then there may be trouble brewing. The old saying of "don't go to bed mad" is really important. If there was a way to put a fight on pause or timeout, I think that would be a great tool. Sometimes discussions turn into disagreements or misunderstandings turn into brawls. And sometimes exhaustion sets in before it's all over. Pause would be great. I, myself, haven't experienced the need for the "pause" button, but if I plan for my love to still think the sun shines out of my butt years down the line, I'm going to have to up the ante. I love him, so it's definitely worth it. I believe I'll still be saying that when I'm old and senile.

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